
Tämän kauden ohjelmateemat:

Lyhytohjelma: Glacial Grace

"Ice is beautiful, Ice is captivating, Ice has power unlike no other, Ice is stronger than thousand men, Ice is cold and haunting, But most importantly...Ice tells a story, A story of grace, A story unknown to any woman, A story of hidden history..."

Vapaaohjelma: Ndebele Art

"Colorful and geometric, vibrant and  beautiful,

Art wishes to be seen, and sometimes,

it finds the most peculiar ways to make it happen.

These paintings on the walls tell stories that will be told within centuries. They created protection and made an identity. And now, it's time to show the world the beauty Ndebele holds."

Aiemmat teemat:

SM -juniorit

2022-23 SP: Forest Tribe - Tribal fusion dance / FS: Sandy's Love Story

2021-22 SP: Sleep on it / FS: The Magical Force of the Sakura Tree

2020-21 SP: Hela - Goddess of Death / FS: Noitavaino

2019-20 SP: Twilight Zone / FS: At the 3D Movies

2018-19 SP: DIVA!  / FS: Viikingit

2017-18 SP: Oblivion - Unohdettu  / FS: Don't Be Afraid of the Monster - A Monster Calls 

2016-17 SP: Rumour has it / FS: Unisieppari - Dreamcatcher

2015-16 Independent Woman / Bella Donna - The Circus Tale

2014-15 Snakefood / Angels & Demons

2013-14 Happened in the black of night...did I just wake updead / Elvis

2012-13 You have to be there / Paradise City

2011-12 I am a good girl / Afrodite

2010-11 Paso Doble reloaded / Oopperan kummitus

2009-10 Tropicana cabaret / Hanami - kirsikankukkien aika

2008-09 Fire and Ice, the Magic of Tango / Kruunun Jalokivi

2007-08 Don't Give Up / Heimotanssi

2006-07 Paradise / Moon Over Cairo

2005-06 Charmed / King Arthur - Legenda Vapaudesta

2004-05 Italian Job / The Last Samurai 

2003-04 Arabian Nights / Bring it On - Get Ready for This!!!

2002-03 Techno Babes / Havaiji

2001-02 Egyptiläisiä tunnelmia / Mission Impossible


2000-01 Show Me The Swing, Babe

1999-2000 Tähdenlento

1998-99 Ocean Waves

1997-98 Magic in the Wonderland